
How to quit smoking and not get fat?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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18 July 2012, 13:23

People who want to quit are afraid to gain weight. Indeed, smoking helps burn calories and suppresses hunger. But at what price! In your body, after every cigarette you smoke, more than 4,000 toxic substances enter. Doctors say that you can part with an addiction, and not gaining extra pounds.

The body of a person who abandoned the addiction is experiencing great stress. Depression, loss of strength, apathy - all this can be a consequence of refusal of smoking. Man, trying to overcome the nicotine addiction, begins to actively eat. As a consequence, he is gaining excess weight. To avoid this, fill the refrigerator with fruits, vegetables, that is, you need to buy low-calorie foods. If you are hungry, eat foods that contain fiber. Take small snacks, reduce portions.

Some inveterate smokers note that they are drawn not so much to nicotine as to the need to take their hands and mouth. In this case, you can help juice with a tube.

The person who decided to quit smoking, feels the need for sweet. But the use of sweets, cakes leads to a set of excess weight, so replace these antidepressants with products such as raisins, dates, bitter chocolate. To defeat the sucking reflex, the smoker can replace the usual cigarette with parsley, in addition, the greens reduce the craving for nicotine.

Of course, you need to distract yourself. To not gain excess weight, choose an active rest (for example, go hiking, ride a bicycle or roller). Start exercising. During exercise, metabolic processes are accelerated, and lung function is normalized. With the help of sports, you quickly remove from the body of the toxic substances received. But do not exhaust the body with training. For example, running can be replaced by walking outdoors. Sign up for aqua aerobics. Doing physical exercises in water, you not only correct the figure, but also make the body more healthy and hardy. Repeat to yourself that you can quit smoking. If you start to notice that you are getting fat, do not start smoking again, better take care of yourself.

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