
Health care

The introduction of a new tax rate of VAT of 7% may affect the prices of medicines in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the prices of medicines may increase due to the introduction of a one-time tax of 7%, which the new government decided to establish as an anti-crisis measure.
14 April 2014, 09:35

Oncologists told about some misconceptions connected with development of cancer tumors

Currently, cancer is the most common disease in the world, so the population appears a variety of myths and misconceptions, which oncologists found it necessary to dispel.
07 February 2014, 10:40

Children are less hardy than their parents

Over the past decade, the percentage of illnesses of schoolchildren has increased 27 times. Only 7% of modern school-age children have a satisfactory state of health.
11 December 2013, 09:31

Medications-pacifiers, or what we are treated

As it turned out, Ukrainian citizens are offered treatment for viral diseases with drugs that do not contain the active substance and which is inherently a "dummy", an unexpected statement was made by the vice-president of the All-Ukrainian Council for the Protection of Patients' Rights, Evgeny Naishtetik.
02 October 2013, 09:14

New vaccine will save from all types of flu

At the London Imperial College, the specialists, together with researchers from the National Institute of Health, are very close to creating a universal vaccine, thanks to which the human body will be able to withstand virtually any viral infections.
24 September 2013, 16:01

Scientists reported the number of potentially dangerous viruses

Experts believe that at the moment there are more than three hundred thousand unknown viruses in nature, which can later be dangerous for human health and life.
04 September 2013, 10:00

The first case of transmission of the avian influenza virus from person to person was registered

British scientists have informed the world of the first known case of transmission of the avian influenza virus not from animal to human, but from person to person. In the popular scientific journal of Great Britain, an article appeared that in China a thirty-two-year-old woman contracted avian influenza while communicating with a sick father.
12 August 2013, 09:30

Doctors recognized that obesity must be treated

Representatives of the American Medical Association have finally come to the conclusion that such a disease as obesity in any case requires treatment.
21 June 2013, 09:00

Specialists from Vietnam discovered a new deadly virus

Vietnamese scientists managed to find out that some cycloviruses, which previously were considered harmless to human health, can cause diseases with a fatal outcome.
20 June 2013, 09:00

Patients in hospitals most often die on weekends

For two years, from 2005 to 2006, about 3500 patients died in hospitals in England, which were clinically curative.
31 May 2013, 15:23


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