
GMOs can be not only harmful, but also useful

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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18 June 2012, 09:29

Canadian scientists began to prepare medicines from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In particular, two of them from the legume family - the lupine changeable and the tuberose acid - Canadian researchers from the company SubTerra have high hopes. From genetically modified plants, scientists plan to extract an enzyme that can overcome a severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), also known as a boy's syndrome in a bladder, alimphocytosis or Glanzmann-Riniker's Syndrome.

Today, this terrible disease affects one in 100,000 newborns. The immune system of children with SCID is constantly under threat, and therefore they are forced to live in a sterile environment - a plastic bladder.

Scientists have modified legumes to make an analog of a human enzyme that can treat alimphocytosis. Today, a bullish enzyme is used to overcome the syndrome, which does not exclude the risk of developing mad cow disease.

According to Anthony Dzhevnikik, president of Plantigen, the pharmaceutical company and head of the multi-organ transplant program at the London Ontario Medical Science Center, genetically modified plants will be excellent helpers in medicine, as they do not contain animal viruses and are non-toxic.

The first tests of new drugs with GMOs will be conducted on fish and mice in universities in the US and Canada. On patients, the product can be tested in a few years.

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