
Four vitamins recognized as the best for sex

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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18 June 2012, 09:58

The list of nutrients that can increase libido and significantly improve the quality of sexual life, included vitamins, which can be bought in almost any pharmacy.

Reducing the level of sex hormones in men and women is often associated with a lack of specific vitamins, doctors said the other day. The most important for a full intimate life, in their opinion, are 4 components: vitamin E, vitamin C, a complex of vitamins B and vitamin A.

Why are they?

Numerous studies have proved that vitamin E is the best assistant in the fight against congestion in the pelvic area, because it helps the body maintain a circulatory system in an active working tone. And good blood circulation guarantees a healthy sexual desire and an erection. To make up the necessary supplies of this vitamin, experts advise to lean on nuts, kiwi, mango, tomatoes. In addition, vitamin E is contained in any vegetable oil.

Vitamin C helps to fight free radicals - one of the main factors of problems in bed. Most of all vitamin C is found in kiwi and fresh berries.

Complex of vitamins B includes such directly related to the sexual health of a person substances like vitamin B1, B5 and B12 (and vitamin B12 is especially useful for people with problems in bed). By the way, in addition to sexual health, vitamins of this group provide and nervous.

Vitamin A protects against the deficiency of sex hormones, which, among other things, is extremely important for the full functions of testicles in men and ovaries - in women. Among the foods rich in vitamin A, you can distinguish apricots and mangoes.

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