
Compiled a list of foods that affect the heart and brain

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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30 November 2015, 09:00

One of the main mechanisms of the human body is the heart system that carries out its main function, using the control center, called the brain. None of these organs can function correctly, being in a malfunction. This is a whole system of relationships with each other. The main task of the heart, the distillation of blood through the vessels, providing the body with all the necessary elements, vital for the body. The slightest change in this system leads to the serious consequences of the body. It fails and can lead, even to the most tragic end.

It is proved by scientists from Israel that eating flour products does not bring benefits to these organs. The consumption of bread from the highest grade flour must be replaced, with a rude grinding, it is more useful for the brain and heart.

Studies have shown if you often use white bread and even in large quantities, this can lead to changes in arteries and veins. Flour products may contain sugar and carbohydrates in excess that affect other organs in the best way. Diseases develop as diabetes mellitus, digestive problems.

Such fluctuations in blood sugar, repeating with a frequent interval, change the normal course of blood through the vessels and arteries. Increases the risk of blood clots. The production of insulin is reduced, the work of the remaining organs fails.

Bread from dark varieties containing sugar in small quantities, and fiber in large ones, is more suitable for people striving for proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Since rough grinding flour is useful for the brain and blood vessels. Moreover, dark bread, unlike white, preferable people to follow their weight. You will recover less from it, which will save a good figure.

The heart itself is not large, you can say a small organ. The importance of the body is great, so you need to worry about its health from a very young age. It needs nutrition with the necessary elements. He needs: iron, copper, vitamins A, B, C, E, glycosides, enzymes. Citrus fruits improve activities, inhibit the development of heart attacks and strokes. Positively affect the digestive system, reduce blood cholesterol, improve brain activity.

Potassium and iron in apples are simply the necessary components for the heart. The risk of cancer tumors is reduced many times, blood pressure normalizes. A few apples must be eaten a day in order to maintain your health normally.

Dairy products, fish and seafood have a therapeutic property on these organs and are able to protect from terrible diseases. In seafood is Omega-3 unsaturated acids that is of great importance, as strokes and heart attacks prevent. All products must be consumed within normal and preferably separately, with a relative interval between them. Mixing “all in one heap” will lead to problems not only of the body of the body, but also of digestion.

The above foods are one of the main components of proper work and the functioning of the human heart system and the human brain. Separate nutrition allows better assimilation of products in the digestive tract.

Do not forget about physical exercises aimed at maintaining the body in tone. In time, undergo a medical examination to prevent serious diseases.

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