
Breast augmentation: what do you need to know for everyone?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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23 October 2012, 11:27

Currently, one of the most popular and popular procedures in the world is breast augmentation - mammoplasty.

Most women resort to this procedure in order to feel comfortable, having obtained the desired size. Also, mammoplasty can be treated by women after pregnancy or those who have experienced the problem of sagging with age.

So, what are breast implants?

Implants are made of soft silicone and have a shell of silicone elastomer. As filling materials, saline (saline) or silicone gel is used.

The technique of introducing salt implants is that first a small bag is placed in the area of the breast through a small incision, which is then filled with saline. A small incision therefore leaves a small scar. However, the use of such implants can be associated with a number of problems - they can wrinkle or rupture, and also noticeable to the touch.

Silicone implants can be of three types: filled with gel during manufacturing, double - one part is filled with silicone, and the second, the outer part, is filled with saline directly during the operation, and also double, but filled on the contrary - the outer part is already filled with silicone, and the inner is filled saline solution during the operation.

Despite a sufficient choice of types of prostheses, the most popular are still silicone implants, already filled with silicone gel in the manufacture. In the case of rupture of such a prosthesis, the breast does not change shape, which can not be said about the salt implant - its contents completely flow.

Despite the fact that the form of the prosthesis is different, the most commonly used implants are two forms - anatomical, in the form of a drop, and spherical, round. Choosing a model of jealousy of the patient's wishes, but a drop-shaped prosthesis, which has a more natural look, costs more.

Unfortunately, there are no permanent silicone prostheses, they also have a shelf life. Before surgery, surgeons should warn patients about when to replace the implant with a new product.


Any surgical intervention can lead to complications in the form of infectious lesions. According to statistical research, the incidence of infectious complications ranges from 4% to 9%.

An important fact that women planning an operation for breast augmentation should take into account is that this type of breast reconstruction further complicates the diagnosis of tumors. This is due to the fact that the fibrous capsule formed around the implant can eventually become impregnated with calcium salts.

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Recovery after surgery

Rehabilitation of the patient and the length of the period that is required for recovery, averages from 3-5 days to a month. To this process was painless, nutritionists recommend adhering to certain rules of nutrition, so that damaged tissue recovered faster.

Postoperative diet is based on several principles: less salt and sugar, no food chemistry, more quality proteins and less carbohydrates.

To the body was easier to digest useful substances, try to eat more often (about 5-6 times a day), in small portions. It is very good to eat food cooked for a couple during the recovery period. It is also recommended to drink a lot of liquid, up to two liters per day, preferably water without gas and green tea, rich in antioxidants. Of course, it is worth saying that you need to give up alcohol and smoking in the postoperative period.

With these simple rules, the body will be better able to cope with postoperative overload, and this will help to avoid excessive puffiness.

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