
Blue illumination activates the brain

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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27 February 2014, 09:00

Scientists have been trying for a long time to find a new source of improving the working capacity of the organism, which would have no side effects and, if possible, was natural. Such studies were carried out by Swedish specialists, who nevertheless managed to find a natural source of stimulation of brain activity.

In the course of their research, scientists determined that lighting the workplace with blue light helps improve brain function. To participate in the experiment, the specialists selected volunteers, who were divided into two groups. In the first group, a cup of coffee was used as a stimulant, in the second workplace the participants were illuminated with a blue backlight. Both groups performed test tasks, and as a result, the second group (in which the workplace was highlighted with blue light) coped with its tasks faster and better than a volunteer from the "coffee" group. The blue light helped the participants to stay longer gathered and cheerful, besides, their reaction speed and concentration on assignments were much higher. In addition, the scientists noted that the group, in which the blue backlight was used, the results of the test tasks were better for people with blue and blue eyes.

Currently, specialists do not have a definite answer, just how blue light contributes to brain activity. This phenomenon remains unresolved. But experts from the Swiss university recommend to everyone who wants to cheer up during the hard working day or after it to apply a blue backlight. And experts noted that the combination of coffee with blue light has a stronger effect.

Scientists suggest that blue light activates brain activity due to photopigments that are in the eyes of a person and transmit to the brain data about the time of day or season. These photopigments perceive a blue glow as daylight, so the brain receives signals of wakefulness. This discovery is especially important for specialties that require responsibility at any time of the day.

Earlier, experts concluded that yogurt with prebiotics positively affects the active work of the brain. Scientists suggest that there is a direct link between cerebral activity and the state of the intestine. The study studied a special yogurt, which was saturated with prebiotics. According to the results of the study, in a group of volunteers who daily consumed a fermented milk product saturated with prebiotics, the response to a variety of external stimuli was lower, while the participants in the experiment showed a higher level of emotional calm in comparison with the control group. In addition, among the participants in the study, who used yogurt without the addition of prebiotics, experts noted mixed results. Such a study showed a real relationship between the intestinal microflora and the brain's ability to work, which once again confirms that the saturated with prebiotics yogurt has a good effect on the whole organism.

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