
Australian scientists will create a milk super-drink based on regular milk

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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08 July 2014, 12:00

Everyone knows that milk is a useful product, which is recommended for children and adults alike. This drink has long been of interest to scientists who continue to explore it and discover new beneficial properties for the body.

In a recent study, Australian scientists studied the cellular structure of milk, and then came to the conclusion that based on this simple and useful drink, you can create an even more useful drink, the so-called super-milk. According to scientists, the milk super-drink will help to strengthen the health of premature babies, and also contribute to the normalization of weight (as is known, in recent years more and more people are suffering from obesity).

During the study of milk, scientists have found that getting into the stomach, the particles of milk acquire a geometrically correct structure, due to which, these particles become excellent carriers of nutrients throughout the body. As scientists noted, small particles help to assimilate vitamins and fat better (facilitating their penetration through the cell membrane and spreading through the bloodstream).

Australian experts believe that they were able to fully consider the cellular structure of milk, which will give scientists in the future great prospects.

A new milk super-drink will help restore brain cells in premature babies by saturating the circulatory system with all the necessary nutrients.

For those who watch their weight or seeks to lose weight, scientists plan to create a drink that will prolong the feeling of satiety for several hours, also due to the saturation of the body with micronutrients.

In addition, scientists note that a new super-drink from milk can be drunk to more effectively deliver drugs to affected organs or tissues.

But the study of the beneficial properties of milk does not stop there, and scientists continue to study the effect of this natural drink on the human body.

It should be noted that about 15% of adults have milk intolerance, due to a lack of lactase enzyme, necessary for digesting lactose (milk sugar).

Also, some people are allergic to milk and dairy products, those over 55 years old experts recommend not drinking a lot of milk, since this drink can trigger the development of atherosclerosis. This disease develops in many elderly people, so it is necessary to limit the consumption of milk and drink no more than 1-2 glasses a day.

However, in spite of everything, milk is an unusually useful product for a person. First of all, milk is the main source of calcium, which is fully absorbed by the body.

Experts recommend drinking milk for osteoporosis, colds, high blood pressure, and heartburn. Also, milk helps to normalize sleep and saturate the body with missing vitamins and minerals.

However, experts recently do not stop disputes about the benefits to the human body of cow's milk.

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