
Climax - Top 100

No woman can avoid the physiological restructuring of the body associated with the extinction of the childbearing function, in other words - menopause, the main feature of which is the cessation of menstruation.
A sharp change in weight in any direction, at any period of life, can be a disturbing signal. Perhaps the body is sick and the person needs to be examined urgently? With age, these changes are most often reduced to undesirable completeness, especially exciting women. How to lose weight with menopause, want to know many of them.
With age, both in men and in women, sexual desire gradually decreases, but, according to gerontologists, for women, sex after menopause loses value two to three times more often.
Every woman in her life is experiencing a period of age-related changes in the sexual sphere, as a result of which the reproductive function disappears, and the menstrual cycle comes to an end.
Climax is a complex physiological and psychological period in the life of women, requiring attention and a special approach. It lasts for several years, normally in the average from 45 to 50 years of age. What is important is what the woman does during this period, especially nutrition with menopause.

A male climax is not a myth, it is a reality, and any man who has lived to the advanced age passes through him.

What provokes him, how dangerous is it for the female body and what to do? We will try to answer these and several other questions in this article in as much detail as possible.

The first symptoms of menopause in women appear over the age of 50, then it is considered a normal age period for the onset of involution of the reproductive system.

According to medical statistics, a woman's menopause begins, on average, between the ages of 45-47.

This disease occurs in every fifth woman of reproductive age and every third woman in menopause.


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