
Allergy - Top 100

Allergy in pregnancy is not a serious pathology, threatening the process of gestation, but allergic reactions can provoke many of the health problems of the future mother.  

Allergy to protein over the past decade has become a real threat, and in fact earlier such a form of allergy was considered quite rare.

Allergy to frost is also called cold allergy or thermal allergy.
Drug allergy is a secondary reaction of the immune system to a variety of medications. Drug allergy is accompanied by general clinical symptoms and local, local manifestations.
Allergy in children develops by the same mechanism as in adults, and the causes of its occurrence are the same. What causes allergies in children? What is an allergen? Species classification of allergy. Food allergy in children. Seasonal allergy in children. Allergy to cold in children. Atopic dermatitis. Diathesis. Allergy in children: diagnosis. Treatment of allergies in children
An allergy in the summer can spoil the mood of any person who reacts sharply to the fragrance of flowering shrubs and flower beds, green nature, growing mushrooms, dusty roads, excessively dry or, on the contrary, too humid air.
An allergy to the sweet is most often an infantile disease, but adults do not bypass the disease. Immediately determine which specific product caused the allergic reaction of the body, it is difficult, but possible.
Home allergy is a kind of allergy that arises from allergens that are within the territory of the apartment. There can be a lot of sources of such an allergy, at times a person does not even suspect that the thing to which he touched a few minutes ago, is capable of provoking the appearance of an allergic reaction.
Allergy to the body is a fairly broad concept, including a variety of diseases and other manifestations. It is impossible to answer the exact question about the methods of treating allergies, since it is first necessary to determine the source that causes the body's allergic reaction.
Allergic to the eyes - an inflammatory process of the eyes, allergic conjunctivitis or a phenomenon that is often called red eye syndrome.


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