
The health of your feet - Top 100

The wart on the heel refers to the plantar warts (verruca plantaris) of the hyperkeratotic type. Speaking over the surface of the skin, tumor-like densities are commonly called warts.

The growth of the nail in the area of the nail roller, mainly from the side and on the thumb in traditional medicine, is called onychrictosis.
Stretching of the ankle ligaments is a damage to the ankle ligaments, usually from the outside. Both one and a group of ligaments of the ankle joint can be damaged. Women are more at risk of ankle injury.
Fractures of the toes often go without special attention on the part of the victims because these miniature bones can themselves heal. There are almost no pains after such fractures.
Corn on the heel arises from prolonged friction of the skin. This can be due to shoes not in size or poor hygiene, a rare change of socks, long standing or walking.
What if you broke your leg and there is no doctor nearby?
When running or walking fast, overstrain of the foot may occur.

What to do if you have a broken toe?

When a person feels heaviness in his legs, it is not just fatigue.

The calcaneal spur arises as a consequence of spine-like bone growth on the foot, and in other words - calcaneal bone.


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