
Cats - Top 100

They can cause clogging of the intestines, which can seriously damage your cat's health.
Last year in the United States there were more than 100 000 cases of animal poisoning. Many of them were caused by substances (which most likely are in your home) that may seem absolutely harmless to you.
Mandatory vaccinations are vaccinations that must be made to every cat at a certain time in her life. Optional vaccinations are ...
Everyone knows the need for regular preventive examination at the dentist and this is an indisputable fact. However, not every owner of furry pets will come up with the idea to bring his pet to the dentist.

This disease can damage the intestinal flora of the body. This phenomenon is caused by the presence of lamblia, it does not belong to the number of worms, bacteria or viruses.

The most common cause of vomiting is ingestion of hairs of wool or other inedible material, for example, grass, which irritates the stomach.

Cats are one of the most beautiful and cunning animals. Not a person chose a cat as a friend and lodger, but the cat chose it as a source of warmth, affection and, of course, food.

The release of tears in cats and cats is not uncommon, because such a state is a kind of protective reaction of the cat's body to various irritating factors. Moreover, if a cat has watery eyes, then the disease does not always become the cause. 

Pet owners may face a problem such as inflammation of the paraanal glands in cats, which is fraught with negative consequences and requires treatment immediately after its detection.

Care of the cat's fur should be pleasant for both of you, so do it when the cat is relaxed, perhaps after playing or eating.


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