
Childbirth - Top 100

Difficulties with the definition of the presenting part are usually observed in obese women, with polyhydramnios, with strong and frequent bouts. In such situations, with a high-standing head, even a vaginal examination does not resolve doubts.
X-rays can be performed in 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, during childbirth and in the postpartum period for retrospective assessment of the pelvis after complicated delivery and for the prediction of future births.
Diagnosis of abnormalities of labor can be carried out by analyzing clinical symptoms or by graphically depicting the opening of the uterine pharynx in childbirth in the form of partograms.
Also of interest is a test with a low O2 content in the mixture, which is given to inhale the mother, causing hypoxia. This test is good for controlling the placental function.
It was established that cardiac activity of the fetus in the I period, delivery in the absence of hypoxia is not subject to significant changes and the heart rate averages 120-160 beats / minute. Does not affect it, according to the authors, and autopsy of the bladder.
It is recommended to use the BMT 9141 fruit monitor in conjunction with the recording and recording device. Screw electrodes are used as electrodes
In normal pregnancy pregnancy test is always associated with the appearance of fetal movements, which the mother feels. The fetal response to stimulation is more active, the longer the gestation period.
Modern studies show that cardiotocography does not have significant advantages over conventional fetal auscultation by the obstetric stethoscope.
Fetal breathing is carried out by gas exchange through the utero-placental system through diffusion. There is an absorption of oxygen from the mother's blood and the release of metabolic products into it.
In maternity patients at high risk, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive assessment of the fetus with the help of cardiotocography, amnioscopy, determination of the nature of labor activity by methods of external and internal hysterography, determination of fetal and parenteral fetus, pH determination of amniotic fluid.


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