
Child - Top 100

Parents and children are often completely different, often there are quarrels in the family, because some do not understand others. How to reach mutual understanding between parents and children?
How to teach a child to write is the problem of many young parents. Children learn to read much faster than to write, and there's nothing to be done about it. So how can you teach a child to write, and competently and beautifully?
Learning to count children is a real achievement for kids. Many parents wonder how to teach a child to count? In this case, there is a whole system that parents should adhere to in order for the learning process to be quick and joyful.
This wonderful moment, when you learned that you will have a child, he is so happy and inspiring. But only a little time passes and your baby is already trying to move, crawl and ... May not be able to take the first steps. So, how to teach a child to walk?
Visits to healthy children are aimed at ensuring healthy development of the child during training, conducting preventive vaccinations, early detection and treatment of diseases, helping parents optimize the emotional and intellectual development of the child.
The child does not sleep well during the day - this, it would seem, insignificant violation of the regime of life of a young child, in fact can be a sign of many problems, including in the sphere of nervous activity of the baby.
A child of 3 months is a baby who gives more and more joy to his parents. He still continues to develop intensively, but the most important thing that he knows how to do consciously is to smile, recognizing familiar, native faces.
A child of 4 months is a kid who knows how to entertain himself on his own. He studies with ecstasy his hands and feet, he touches the nose and cheeks, plays with his fingers and even knows how to fold his hands.
A child of 5 months is an extremely mobile kid, actively studying both his body and the surrounding world. The child's movements are very developed and he tries to reach out to everything that is within reach.
A child of 8 months is a toddler who is interested in everything, which continues to develop intensively and improve his skills, both motor and speech, auditory and intellectual.


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