
Child - Top 100

How does the baby develop for months to a year?
The more love is shown by at least one of the parents to the child immediately after his birth, the more successful the child will be in adulthood.
Dogs best protect children from colds
What should a baby be able to do at 9 months?
A baby at 10 months is not the helpless crumb that you brought from the hospital.
Regardless of how many books about newborns you read or how much you feel prepared, after giving birth, you will still get surprises from your child.
The child is not used to this world in 3 days. But we need to help him with maternal care and attention. In the first three days, all the child systems are still adjusting to the external environment. What are the characteristics of the child's body in 3 days?
A child in 11 months is a kid, who was only 1 step up to a year old. The first year of his life. Therefore, many parents ask the question: what should a child be able to do in 11 months? How should it develop? What weight and height should he have? We will help you answer these questions.
When the child is 4 days old, he is still in a period of adjustment to the world around him.
In 12 months, or a year, the child is already a fairly well-formed personality, which can surprisingly much.


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