
Products of the Dead Sea

Dead Sea shampoos

Shampoos of the Dead Sea are a number of unique hair care products that are rich in minerals and trace elements. Consider the features of the cosmetics of the Dead Sea, composition and the best means.

Soap of the Dead Sea

Soap of the Dead Sea is an effective cosmetic product that is popular both in women and men. Consider the useful properties of soap, the main components, indications and contraindications to the application of soap of the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea Cosmetics

Cosmetics of the Dead Sea are the most popular and popular means for caring for any type of skin. Israeli cosmetics has proved itself in the whole world, its high quality and natural composition. Consider the popular cosmetic brands of the Dead Sea and the features of marine cosmetics.

Minerals of the Dead Sea

Minerals of the Dead Sea - the main wealth and distinctive feature of this well-known since ancient times salt lake.

Salt of the Dead Sea

Healing properties of the Dead Sea - the result of centuries of natural activity. Salt of the dead sea is an ecological complex with a mineral and microelemental composition.

Dead Sea products: indications, contraindications, benefits

The products of the Dead Sea include Dead Sea salt and mud, as well as a very large and diverse range of cosmetics that are manufactured on the basis of these natural ingredients.

Scrub from the Dead Sea - for a clean and healthy skin

The Dead Sea scrub - that is, the composition containing salt or therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea, for skin cleaning and mechanical removal of dead cells (corneocytes) - is almost indispensable for those who care not only about their appearance, but also skin health.

Clay of the Dead Sea

When you hear about the usefulness of the Dead Sea clay, your interlocutor assumes inaccuracy: it is a question of the benefits of Dead Sea mud.

Creams from the Dead Sea

Creams from the Dead Sea - like all cosmetics, which contain natural salts or Dead Sea mud - are able to effectively help in the proper care of the skin, including its deep cleaning, moisturizing, increasing elasticity and relieving inflammation.

Dead Sea Mud

The unique healing natural product that has been known for several hundred years is the mud of the dead sea.


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