
Investigation of enzymes and isoenzymes

Hepatic tests during pregnancy

Both at the stage of pregnancy planning and during the gestation of a child, the woman regularly gives a set of laboratory tests to assess the general condition of the body and timely detection of any pathological changes.

Blood test for liver tests: what does it include?

A screening study aimed at evaluating the functional state of the biliary excretory system and the liver is an assay for hepatic assays. Diagnosis is carried out using blood sampling.

Blood test for liver tests in a child

Analyzes are selected based on the age of the baby, its growth and hormonal characteristics, the presence of congenital anomalies and chronic diseases of the body.

Blood test for liver tests: preparation, how to take, what shows

The liver is the largest gland of the human body. It occupies the upper right part of the abdominal cavity, located under the diaphragm.

Isozyme 1 lactate dehydrogenase in the blood

Isoferments of lactate dehydrogenase are contained in tissues in a strictly defined ratio, that is, each tissue, including blood, has a characteristic spectrum of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes.

Troponin I in the blood

Troponin I is a structural protein of the troponin complex of muscles with a molecular weight of 26,500 Da. Troponins I, like troponins T, cardiac and skeletal muscles, differ significantly in their amino acid sequence.

Troponin T in the blood

The troponin complex is part of the contractile system of muscles. It is formed by three proteins: troponin T, which forms a link to tropomyosin (molecular weight 3700), troponin I (molecular weight 26,500), which can inhibit ATPase activity, and troponin C (molecular weight 18,000), which has a significant affinity for Ca2 + .

Myoglobin in the blood

Myoglobin is a gem-containing chromoprotein; is a light chain of myosin with a molecular weight of 17.6 kDa. It is a protein transporting oxygen in skeletal muscles and myocardium.

MB-fraction of creatine kinase in serum

Creatine kinase in the cardiac muscle consists of two isoenzymes: KK-MM (60% of total activity) and KK-MB (40% of total activity). KK-MB - dimer, consists of two subunits: M (muscle) and B (cerebral).

Total creatine kinase in the blood

Creatine kinase reversibly catalyzes the phosphorylation of creatine. The most rich in creatine kinase is skeletal musculature, the heart muscle, less in the brain, thyroid gland, uterus, lungs.


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