
List Symptoms – T

The bilateral weakness of the facial muscles, developed simultaneously or sequentially, is not common, but almost always serves as a cause for diagnostic doubt when trying to establish its cause.
In contrast to a one-sided hanging stop that may be of central or peripheral origin, a bilateral hanging stop always indicates damage to the peripheral nerves or muscles. The onset of the disease can be slow, so that the patient gradually gets used to changing gait, or sharp.
Tremor - involuntary vibrations of any part of the body caused by alternating or synchronous contractions of reciprocally innervated muscles. Diagnosis of the disease underlying the tremor is often a very difficult task, the solution of which requires, first of all, the correct syndrome description of the tremor. What causes a tremor? Types of tremors. The tremor of rest. Postural tremor. Intense tremor. Rubral tremor. Psychogenic tremor. Physiological tremor. An essential tremor. Cerebrospinal tremor. Treatment of tremors
You were unpleasantly surprised and upset by the fact that in a certain situation or for no apparent reason there is a shiver in your hands, do not rush to panic and immediately run to the neurologist. Approximately 6% of the world's population encounters a similar situation.

Treatment for dyspnea is carried out depending on the cause of the syndrome. Oxygen is shown not only in bronchial obstruction, but also in other diseases accompanied by hypoxemia. There is evidence that prolonged oxygen therapy can reduce the mortality of patients with COPD.

Transient monocular blindness can be observed with cardiogenic embolism or by the severance of thrombus fragments in the carotid bifurcation zone (less often from other arteries or in the abusive use of certain medications).
Retraction of the upper eyelid (the position of the upper eyelid, in which the white stripe of the sclera is visible between the edge of the eyelid and the limb of the cornea when viewed directly) is due to the hyperactivity of the muscle lifting the (levator) eyelid, the contracture of this muscle, or the hyperactivity of the smooth (Mullerian) muscle.
Tearfulness is the emotional state with which a person encounters throughout life. Consider the main causes and symptoms of the syndrome of tearfulness, methods of treatment and prevention.
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