
List Symptoms – N


It happens that after a long time in an uncomfortable pose with bent legs, a person begins to feel discomfort in the limb and numbness of the toes, and sometimes the legs as a whole, comes. This is due to clamping of the vessels of the leg.

Long-term presence of a person in one pose sometimes causes such an unpleasant sensation as numbness of the limb. Remember at least what happens when you sit for a long time in the position of "foot on foot" without changing your legs or bending one leg under you.
When numbness of the fingers of the hand takes a systematic character and is often accompanied by pain and impaired mobility in the joints of the fingers, this is an abnormal condition. It can talk about the presence of inflammation, diabetes, the pathology of the intervertebral disc or the beginning of multiple sclerosis. Also numbness of the fingers of the right hand is an indicator of peripheral neuropathy.
Numbness of the fingers of the left hand in recent times occurs quite often. It happens by chance with short-term nerve compression, or pathological, manifesting itself as a sign of another, more serious disease.
Numbness of the legs and hands is a very common problem today. During this phenomenon, there is a sensation of tingling, chilliness, constriction and burning. It can occur both on the upper and lower limbs.
Most nasal bleeding occurs from vessels located on the nasal septum. In relatively young people (younger than 35 years), nosebleeds can occur from a vein located behind a columella (septum) of the vestibule of the nose.
Noise in the ears is a sensation of noise in the ears in the absence of an external source of noise. Approximately 15% of the adult population experienced tinnitus at one time or another, 0.5-2% were severely affected by this. Although children also sometimes feel a noise in their ears, they quickly pass and they do not pay attention to it. Most often, the noise in the ears begins at the age of 50-60 years.
Among the symptoms of various diseases and pathologies, there is such a sign as the occurrence of excessive sweating during sleep - night sweats.
Symptoms of anorexia usually appear at the age of 16-17 years (12 years in boys), often following a strict diet. The patient begins to attach very great importance to reducing body weight (this becomes an overvalued idea), and she begins to feel that she is repulsively complete, while in fact there is emaciation.
Syncope (syncope) - an attack of short-term loss of consciousness and violation of postural tone with a disorder of cardiovascular and respiratory activity. At present, there is a tendency to treat syncope in the frame of paroxysmal disorders of consciousness.
The swallowing function consists in precisely controlled transport of the food lump and fluid from the mouth into the esophagus. Since the air and food streams, crossing, have a common path in the mouth and throat, there is a thin mechanism of their separation during swallowing to prevent ingestion of ingested food in the airways.
Vomiting is the eruption of gastric and esophageal contents through the mouth (sometimes nasal passages) outward. For the first time "nerve vomiting" was described by V. Stiler in 1884. It should be emphasized that for today there is no sufficiently clear and unambiguous description of the clinical picture of this phenomenon within the framework of psychogenic disorders.
Tics in typical cases are short, relatively elementary, stereotyped, normally coordinated, but inappropriately made movements that can be suppressed by willpower for a short period of time, which is achieved at the cost of increasing emotional tension and discomfort.
Nausea is an unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region, often accompanied by weakness, dizziness, faintness, pallor of the skin, drooling.
Nausea, an unpleasant feeling of vomiting is an afferent vegetative impulse (including an increase in the parasympathetic tone) of the medullary emetic center. Vomiting - forced removal of gastric contents due to unintentional contraction of the abdominal wall muscles when lowering the stomach bottom and relaxation of the esophageal sphincter
Nasal congestion is a well-known symptom for all who have suffered from a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The reasons for chronic nasal congestion are discussed below.
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