
List Pain – C

Almost all, without exception, patients suffering from diseases of the kidneys and urogenital system, faced with such a phenomenon as pain in cystitis. This disease, which is extremely rare asymptomatic and painless.
The clavicle is an important bone that acts as a link between the shoulder joint and the central bones of the skeleton. Thus, when there is pain in the collarbone, this can lead to a lot of discomfort and anxiety.
Colic in the right side - a condition so acute and painful that thinking about whether to call an ambulance team is out of place. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is in this part of the abdominal cavity that the internal sexual, urinary and digestive organs are located, so that pain can "spread" all over the right side and be given to places located near the affected area.
The most severe type of headache that can affect people of both sexes and practical of all ages is cluster pain. The pain syndrome that arises suddenly, against a background of general well-being, is characterized by pain of such force that people are ready to say goodbye to life, just to get rid of the painful sensations. Until now, there are no true causes that give rise to this kind of pathology, but there are a number of assumptions that allow, if not to relieve a person of pain forever, then at least to reduce the degree of its manifestation.
If you feel pain for a long period of time, and you do not notice any other symptoms and signs of disease - most likely, this pain is chronic.
To chronic abdominal pain include abdominal pain, persisting for more than 3 months and proceeding as a permanent or intermittent pain syndrome. Intermittent pain can be considered as a recurrent pain in the abdomen.
Chest pain while inhaling may depend on a variety of reasons. Sometimes chest pain when inhaling can be a sign of a life-threatening illness. And it happens that a person just pulled his chest muscle or sat in a draft. The exact cause of chest pain when breathing in and the symptoms accompanying the pain, as well as the treatment, depend on the specific disease.
The pain in the chest on the right is a fairly common symptom of many diseases. It is very important to determine the nature of pain and the duration of spasmodic reactions in order to correctly diagnose the disease.
The pain in the chest on the right - and now the person is upset, confused, he thinks, what is the reason and what to do? The thorax holds many organs. In the chest or nearby are the heart, lungs, esophagus, ribs, muscles, etc. The problem with each of these organs can provoke pain in the chest on the right.
For 5 or 10 days before the onset of menstruation, many women (95%) feel chest pain. These are quite common complaints, which doctors consider more normal than abnormal. Why there are pains in the chest before menstruation, what to do about it and whether it is necessary to do something at all?
Pectoral pain is one of the most common complaints with which patients turn to a cardiologist.
The term "central post-stroke pain" refers to pains and some other sensory disorders that occur after a stroke. Dezherin and Russi (1906) described intense intolerable pains within the so-called thalamic syndrome (superficial and deep hemianesthesia, sensitized ataxia, moderate hemiplegia, non-cerebral choreo-athetosis) after infarctions in the visual cusp area.
Our legs experience colossal pressure throughout their entire life. It's no wonder that there are times when they can not cope with the task set before them and fail. Muscles of the whole organism, including legs, need constant training. A simple situation - an unsuccessfully put stop, while walking, turns and there is a sharp calf pain. Why does gastrocnemia occur? What if you have calf pain? How is calf pain prevented?
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