
Artificial Intelligence will tell you about health problems and predict the date of death

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 18.05.2024

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05 October 2015, 10:00

A person has always been interested in his future, his health, and especially his date of death. For example, there is a comic appeal to the cuckoo, which predicts how many years you have left, also with questions about health problems or death often turn to fortunetellers, sorcerers, psychics, etc., but in some cases such "predictors" simply earn naivete of people.

The scientists decided not to stand by and suggest using modern methods instead of birds, psychics or fortune-tellers, namely artificial intelligence, which predicts the date of death with an accuracy of almost 100%, and will help to establish health problems and make it much faster than experienced doctors.

In Boston Medical Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center-Gen, a team of scientists has developed a unique device that can diagnose diseases by an order of magnitude better and even faster than a doctor with many years of practice.

Leading specialist of the new project, Dr. Steve Horg, commented on the team's work. According to him, huge amounts of information are at the heart of the work, for example, if there is one patient whose previous diseases are known, then in addition to his real complaints and anamnesis, patients with a similar clinical picture and health condition will be able to diagnose. It is on this principle that a new supercomputer works, in addition, such a system will help predict possible illnesses in the future, which will allow taking the necessary preventive measures (as is well known, the disease is easier to prevent than treat).

The supercomputer database stores more than 200,000 cases of illness that have occurred in the last 30 years and find a similar case of the disease to artificial intelligence much easier than a specialist to remember a similar patient in his practice. This is especially true for rare diseases that the supercomputer determines with extreme accuracy and often does it many times faster than an experienced physician.

The team of specialists first used the principle of "large data" in their study. At the same time, scientists did not set a goal to create a device that could completely replace a doctor, rather, this device was created to help doctors to improve the doctors' abilities and speed up the process of final diagnosis. Many diseases are difficult to detect due to the erasure of the clinical picture, symptoms similar to other symptomatic diseases, etc., because of the untimely diagnosis often determines the life of the patient (in the early stages even cancer can be treated).

In addition to rapid diagnostics, a supercomputer is able to predict death. Artificial intelligence collects and analyzes information about the patient (including blood pressure, oxygen level, etc.), evaluates the parameters, calculates the probabilities of different causes of their condition and makes an outcome forecast, studies have shown that if the supercomputer predicted death, then with an accuracy of 96% say that a person will not be in the next month.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3]

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