
Placental preparations found mercury, lead and other toxins

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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18 June 2015, 09:00

Drugs that contain placenta extract, as it turned out, are not so harmless to human health. It used to be believed that such remedies improve the production of breast milk and reduce the risk of postpartum depression. However, recent studies of specialists have shown that preparations based on the placenta not only do not do any good for the body, but also significantly harm it.

The placenta is designed to protect the baby in the womb from various infections, it is a kind of biological filter.

About the usefulness of the placenta, wrote about a thousand years ago, an outstanding Central Asian doctor, philosopher, scholar Abu Ali Hussein Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sin, better known as Avicenna. Eastern doctors even hundreds of years ago used a powder from the placenta to treat a variety of diseases. Scientists of our time also recognized the benefits of placental preparations, which, according to them, have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, immunostimulating, rejuvenating, resorptive and other properties.

Today, in the manufacture of preparations based on the placenta (cosmetic or medicinal), the embryonic organ is processed, sterilized and completely destroyed in its compounds (polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids, etc.).

Producers use the placenta of newborns, from which the extract is extracted.

At the share of cosmetic manufacturers there is only 20% of the extract, the rest is spent on the needs of science. Today, a large number of different preparations are produced, in the basis of which the placenta and in the last few years, cosmetic preparations with such an additive have become very popular.

A team of specialists at one of the research universities decided to conduct several experiments to establish what the placental preparations and the possible harm to health they can cause are useful.

After a series of experiments, the experts concluded that the placenta extract in the composition of various preparations not only does not do any good, but, moreover, it can threaten human health. In total, specialists conducted 10 experimental studies, after which they could confidently speak about the negative aspects of the placental "supplement".

In the course of the work, scientists have established that by the time the baby is born, the placenta is completely worn out and does not represent anything that can be of use to human health. But besides this, during pregnancy, the placenta absorbs mineral salts, mercury, various toxins, lead, which are dangerous to humans. Also, the team of researchers noted that it is impossible to "pull" out of the embryonic organ harmful substances, and they fall into the drugs, which are based on it, and then penetrate the human body. It is worth noting that this study was the first in this field, until this time, experts have not studied the properties of the placenta and its benefits or harm to human health.

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