
Scientists believe that human consciousness is immortal

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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06 May 2015, 09:00

Robert Lanz, the leading US researcher, recently said that death does not exist, the human consciousness does not die with the body, but falls into the parallel universe.

Lanza teaches at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, is the scientific director of the biotechnology company AST and a specialist in the field of regenerative medicine.

Earlier, the professor became famous for his research work with stem cells, and also conducted several successful experiments on the cloning of endangered species of animals.

A couple of years ago, the scientist was interested in quantum mechanics, physics and astrophysics, as a result of which the professor began to spread the theory of biocentrism.

According to this theory, death does not exist as such, it is just an illusion that arises in the mind of a person. Death in our usual understanding arises from the fact that a person closely connects himself with his body, which eventually dies, and with the body and everything else. But in reality, a person's consciousness exists regardless of time or space, can be anywhere, either in the human body or outside it. This theory is intertwined with quantum mechanics, according to which an individual particle can appear in any place, and a certain event has an innumerable number of development options.

The expert made a statement about the parallel world after studying several interesting facts concerning reincarnation (soul migration).

It is worth noting that the basis for this migration is the degeneration of the whole organism.

As Robert Lanza stated during his experiments, he was able to establish an unusual pattern. After death, a person falls into another reality. For comparison, the expert used a metaphor with a flower - which fades and withers, then to be reborn. Also, the human soul, after death, withers, and after a while again reborn.

This conclusion is based on laboratory experiments in the field of biocentrism, during which the specialist studied the tunneling effect when particles overcome obstacles. It was such a theory that pushed Lanz to the idea that death is just an illusion.

The professor is sure that we are surrounded by thousands of universes, in which all kinds of versions of the development of events occur. In one world the body has died, but in another it continues to live, having absorbed the consciousness that has leaked from another world.

In other words, the human consciousness after the death of the physical shell, passing the tunnel, falls into the same world, but alive, and this is repeated an infinite number of times.

Consciousness, according to the researcher, is energy, it does not disappear and it can not be destroyed.

Some biocentrists believe that the material world that surrounds us is only a fictitious image that reproduces our consciousness, others believe that the world around us exists, but we see it as our senses allow us to see and feel , and if a person possessed other senses, then the perception of the world would be different.

Robert Lanza adheres to more moderate views, he believes in the reality surrounding us, but he considers it impossible without the participation of consciousness, i.e. Man is both an observer and creator.


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