
A small dose of metformin increases life expectancy

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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05 August 2013, 09:00

Researchers from the University of Baltimore (USA, Maryland) told the press that the metformin drug, which is widely used in modern medicine, can increase the life span of living organisms.

Over the course of several months, small rodents were tested in the laboratories of the University, and the results, according to scientists, proved to be satisfactory. The main goal of the study was to determine the effect of the components of a popular medication on the life expectancy of small rodents, and also on the state of their health. In the course of the experiment, specialists monitored changes in metabolism, weekly examined blood tests of animals that fed a microdose of metformin.

Metformin is a widely used medicinal product, it is used most often for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The main advantage of this medication is the possibility of normal kidney function and a small number of side effects, among which only disorders of the gastrointestinal tract can be identified. To date, doctors are conducting numerous studies on the possible use of the drug for the treatment of other diseases.

Recently, metformin is used in polycystic ovaries, liver diseases and even with premature puberty. Such a choice of the drug is due to the fact that these diseases, as well as diabetes mellitus of the second type, are manifested in the form of insulin resistance.

Studies of scientists from Baltimore proved that metformin, which is used to treat diabetes, can prolong the life of small rodents by 5-6%. The experiment consisted in the fact that for several years the scientists monitored the state of health of two groups of laboratory mice. Mice from the first group of the daily diet included a microscopic dose of metformin, rodents from the second fed on the usual food. Already a few weeks after the start of the experiment, scientists noticed significant changes in the metabolism and general health of animals. Also, at the end of the study, scientists compared the life expectancy of those rodents who took the medication and those who ate ordinary food. The results of the study showed that a small dose of the drug is able to increase the life expectancy of rodents by 4-6% (the relationship has not yet been established).

After analyzing the results, experts came to the following conclusions: it is the preparation of metformin that can have a beneficial effect on the state of a living organism. The action of the drug causes the body to actively oxidize the fats that come with food. Thus, the presence of metformin in the diet of rodents created the effect of eating low-fat and low-calorie foods. It is known that a special diet contributes to the lack of numerous health problems and even the occurrence of many diseases associated with advanced age.

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