
Where do survivors live?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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25 December 2012, 18:56

Where do people live the longest? ILive represents the top ten countries with the highest life expectancy.

10. Guernsey: 80.42 years old

10. Guernsey: 80,42 years

Guernsey is the possession of the British crown in the English Channel, which is not part of the UK. The island is home to about 65 thousand people. The secret of their longevity is simple enough - they live in prosperity, which allows them to eat healthy food and pay for medical care at the highest level. In the crown possession of Gerns very low taxes, which brings successful entrepreneurs here, and with them financiers and other workers with high wages and good working conditions.


9. Australia: 80.5

9. Australia: 80,5

The average life expectancy in Australia could be even higher if the local aborigines lived in the same conditions as white Australians. But in connection with a lower standard of living, aborigines live on average 20 years less than the colonialists and emigrants. However, the researchers suspect that soon the white population of the continent will on average not live as long as now, because obesity is becoming a threatening problem for Australians.

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8. Switzerland: 80.51

Switzerland even against the background of a generally prosperous Europe stands out for its high standards of living. It is an island of foreign policy neutrality, internal political calm and financial prosperity. Add here the healing mountain air of the Alps - and the secret of longevity is uncovered.

trusted-source[5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]

7. Sweden: 80.51

Although the economic recession of the early 1990s slightly violated the political and financial stability of this socially oriented Scandinavian state, the standard of living in Sweden still remains one of the highest in the world. In addition, in Sweden the lowest percentage of smokers among all developed countries is about 17 percent.

trusted-source[12], [13], [14], [15], [16]

6. Japan: 81.25

To the high standards of living in Japan, add a different food culture from Europe. Only three percent of the adult population of the Land of the Rising Sun are obese. Japan's diet mainly consists of vegetables, fish, rice and noodles, besides they are not used to overeating and prefer to get up from the table with a feeling of easy hunger. In addition, they are not as dependent on cars as Europeans or Americans, and rarely miss the opportunity to walk on foot.

trusted-source[17], [18], [19]

5. Hong Kong: 81.59

5. Hong Kong: 81,59

The former British colony, and now the special administrative region of the PRC, is strikingly different from the rest of China. Hong Kong is one of the world's financial centers with very high average incomes. In Hong Kong, very little meat is eaten, preferring a healthy diet, consisting primarily of rice, vegetables and tofu.

4. Singapore: 81.71

4. Singapore: 81,71

Financial prosperity is just one of the factors that make Singaporeans live to a very old age. In addition, in this island Asian city-state, the state program for caring for the elderly is well developed.


3. San Marino: 81.71

3. San marino: 81,71

In a dwarf state in the Apennine peninsula, the majority of the population works in offices, and not in the sphere of heavy industry, which adversely affects the health of workers.

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2. Macao: 82.19

The former Portuguese colony in the South China Sea is now part of the PRC, but enjoys wide autonomy. 70 percent of the income this city receives from legalized gambling here, and the authorities invest a significant part of the funds in the development of health care.

trusted-source[23], [24]

1. Andorra: 83.51

1. Andorra: 83,51

After the Second World War, a poor dwarf state began to develop rapidly due to the popularization of tourism, and today Andorra is a prosperous country with a beneficial mountain climate and a highly developed health system. Now 70-odd thousand citizens of Andorra are the main long-livers on our planet.


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