
The danger that lies in our own house

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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22 October 2012, 17:18

We used to think that our house is our fortress and that inside this fortress it is absolutely safe. But is it so? Does not trouble us in our own apartment? What can conceal a home and what should beware of?

Invisible Radon Killer

Invisible Radon Killer

Radon is a natural gas and has no smell, no color. He can enter the house in different ways. From the foundation walls, from the soil, with tap water and natural gas. Prolonged inhalation of radon can cause the development of malignant tumors, and above all lung cancer. So the best protection is the early detection of its sources. To check the house for the presence of radon in the air, special electrical appliances are used.

Tap water

We take a lot for granted, including clean water from the tap. But just think about how many levels of cleaning should be, so that a person gets really clean and safe water. In addition to the fact that water initially contains impurities harmful to health, which are partly filtered and neutralized in treatment plants, its way through outdated central water supply systems leaves much to be desired. It is there that bacteria, impurities of heavy metals, and sometimes even toxic components enter the water. Therefore, even if the water purification systems filter out all the harmful impurities well, we can get the water unsuitable for drinking at the outlet.

Paint, asbestos

The greatest danger to man is lead, which is contained in some household paints. When leaden dust and vapors enter the human body, coordination of movements is upset, and there may be problems with mental development. Lead also has a negative impact on kidney function and nervous system. To protect yourself from danger, it is better to avoid the use of lead-based paints. No less dangerous and asbestos, because the poisoning of this raw material does not manifest itself. However, after a while, it can provoke the development of pulmonary and oncological diseases.



Despite the fact that the constant neighborhood of a person with mold is an ordinary phenomenon, its presence in the house can lead to a number of negative consequences for the body, for example, a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and also more serious skin rashes, respiratory infections and asthma . Microscopic spores of fungi perfectly acclimatize in any place, and in apartments and even more, their dew is promoted by heat and humidity. The most important issue in solving this problem is not only the destruction of mold, but also the elimination of the factors that contribute to its appearance, especially the excess moisture in the room.


Firstly, these are obsolete devices, for example, an old refrigerator or air conditioner, in which there is freon, a group of saturated fluorine-containing hydrocarbons. The leakage of this substance, which has no smell, no color, a person can get poisoned. Symptoms of poisoning: choking, weakness, drowsiness, confusion. With prolonged inhalation of freon, cardiovascular diseases develop, the lungs and central nervous system suffer.



Gas equipment often causes many troubles. Increasing the concentration of natural gas in the air leads to explosions and choking, so it is important to monitor the serviceability of gas stoves. No less dangerous is the failure of the technological process in the ventilation system of houses with stove heating and heated with the help of gas boilers. Deadly carbon monoxide in the case of filling the room is the cause of the tragedy.

Household chemicals

Although we use cleaning and detergents to keep our homes clean, they are dangerous because of the presence of volatile compounds in their formulations. The components of these products are biologically aggressive, as they are not used for the disinfection and cleaning of surfaces. Very often the use of household chemicals results in skin irritations, eczema and inflammation of the eye mucosa. Most of all, young children, pregnant women and allergies can suffer.

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