
Lesbians are twice as likely as gays to have children

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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04 October 2012, 15:45

A new study by the National Center for the Study of Family and Marriage has paid greater attention to same-sex families.

same-sex marriages

Specialists have revealed a tendency to increase the number of homosexual families that have children. In response to this trend, they decided to get closer to the demographic characteristics of such families, to analyze their dependence on the social status of same-sex parents, their level of education, and ethnicity.

Sarah Burgoyne of the University of Bowlin Green, produced a report in which she presented an analysis of the demographic situation among same-sex families in the United States.

The expert found that, on average, one in six homosexual couples have children.

In addition, the study made it possible to find out that homosexual men who live in the same family, give birth to children twice as often as female homosexuals. Children appear in ten percent of purely male families, whereas in female same-sex families this percentage is 22-m.

Most homosexual families, regardless of their sex, have one child.

Sarah Burgoyne also notes that the presence of children in same-sex families generally depends on the level of education of homosexual parents. "I found an obvious relationship between the presence of children in the family and the level of education of parents," the researcher said.

34 percent of male families, whose head has no higher education, have children. While among homosexuals with at least the scientific and qualification level of the bachelor's degree, only six percent of families have children.

Investigating the relationship between the presence of children in homosexual families and the racial and ethnic affiliation of parents, Burgoyne concluded that among the white population of the United States, homosexuals with children are less than among other races and ethnic groups. It turned out that African-American children often lead children.

"As the number of children who live and are brought up in homosexual families is constantly increasing, the demographic characteristics of such families are becoming increasingly important for us," says Sarah Burgoyne.

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