
Can protein shakes slow down aging?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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30 August 2012, 17:30

Proteins play a very important role in human life, because it is an indispensable building material for all cells of our body.

In order for the body to continuously update the cells, amino acids are required, the supply of which is provided by the protein.

Currently, protein cocktails have become very popular. If earlier such drinks could be bought in specialized stores for bodybuilders, now with the help of advertising protein drinks began to be used massively.

And what the advertisers do not promise: protein cocktails will help to lose weight, keep in perfect form up to advanced years and can even act as a means for cancer prevention. Producers of protein drinks say that taking their products will help keep muscles toned and strengthen bones. And this applies not only to athletes, in the modern world, in protein reinforcements everyone needs from small to large.

According to them, starting from the age of thirty, a person loses muscle mass, and when using protein whey or cocktails, people have the opportunity to keep themselves in shape and maintain weight.

So-called "healthy" cocktails managed to win the favor of Hollywood celebrities. Dozens of coaches recommend them to their star wards. One of the adherents of these drinks is the famous actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who is actively involved in sports and uses them to maintain muscle tone.

But are these cocktails really a panacea for all diseases? British scientists warn UK residents about the danger of combining the consumption of protein cocktails and a diet rich in proteins.

This is only possible for those people who exercise daily.

Studies conducted a few years ago by the staff of the Washington State University, confirmed the ability of protein cocktails to reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and also use beverages as a means of preventing stroke. The benefits of protein-rich beverages are also found in diabetics - when it is used, there are positive changes in the blood of the patient.

"In most cases, highly concentrated protein cocktails can not harm human health, the main thing is to stick to the measure. The use of proteins in large quantities can lead to weight gain, "said the study's head, biochemist Susan Flugel.

Jennifer Lowe, a sports nutritionist at the British Association of Dieticians, adheres to the diametrically opposite point of view. She believes that no unnatural mixtures a priori can not be useful.

She also does not advise to be equal to Hollywood celebrities who spend a lot of time in gyms to achieve the results that encourage ordinary people to search for an alternative to sports activities.


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