
Popular remedies for dandruff bring only harm

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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20 August 2012, 15:38

Currently, the most popular ways on the Internet to get rid of dandruff are rubbing olive oil or any vegetable oil. They say they are good for the head. However, the researchers claim the opposite. Natural oils not only will not relieve dandruff, but also only worsen the condition of the scalp. Experts from the medical school of the University of St. Louis came to the conclusion that everything is not so simple.

Popular remedies for dandruff bring only harm

Treatment of dandruff at home involves rubbing the scalp of the oil, which is left for 15 minutes or throughout the night, and then combed out of the head before washing.

As a rule, the appearance of dandruff is caused by excessive production of sebum, as well as excessive growth of yeast, which occur on the scalp in a natural way. Treatment with natural oil will not only not improve the situation on the scalp, but can lead to the opposite effect. The fact is that oils, such as olive and other vegetable, contain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and this distinguishes them from children's oil, whose composition includes petroleum-based mineral oils.

Yeast by itself feeds on saturated fatty acids, and therefore natural oils for them are the optimal nutrient medium. On the other hand, yeast is not able to digest mineral oil, which means that it is the baby oil that can get rid of dandruff. But not a natural vegetable oil, which becomes a source of nutrition for the underlying problem of the scalp, which is quite common in humans. That's why it is recommended to use children's oil for fans of alternative means for treating dandruff.

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