
Invented a drug that allows you to live without breathing

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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07 July 2012, 12:42

The drug, which will allow a person to withstand without breath for 15 to 30 minutes, was invented by scientists from the Children's Clinical Research Center located in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. This was reported to the journalists by the leading cardiologist of the center John Hare.

Introduced as an intravenous injection, the preparation is a concentrate of microscopic capsules with a shell of organic fat that is filled with oxygen. Each capsule contains three to four times more oxygen than the red blood cell can carry on it, the erythrocyte, which supplies the body with this gas.

According to Heir, "successful testing on animals gives reason to believe that the forthcoming clinical trials in humans will give the most effective result." The doctors for the first time managed to calculate "a balanced formula of a miracle drug that ensures its full perception by a person," the scientist added.

The expected introduction into batch production will become a revolutionary stage in the development of health care. Physicians will be able to save lives for millions of patients who have breathing problems or, for whatever reason, lungs refused. In addition, the possibility of creating qualitatively new breathing apparatus under water and in airless space is predicted.

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