
Tears will help in early diagnosis of cancer

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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20 June 2012, 10:30

Scientists have undertaken to find out whether human tears can be useful for the early diagnosis of prostate and breast cancer, as well as to confirm the predisposition to the development of these diseases.

The central object of work was the proteins contained in tears that could serve as the basis for creating a simple, rapid and non-invasive method for diagnosing and monitoring cancer. According to the research manager, Professor Mark Wilcox of the University of New South Wales (Australia), prostate and breast gland cancer was chosen because in both cases, one of the symptoms of the ailment is a change in the hormonal background, which also affects the production of tears.

Why is all this necessary? A mammogram, the most common test for breast cancer, often misses small formations, and prostate cancer is generally diagnosed with a rectal exam. And, frankly, both procedures are not pleasant.

The authors of the work have already determined the level of the protein-biomarker in human tears, using mass spectrometry. This allows us to identify the protein by the amino acids contained in it and their sequence so that it can then be compared with known protein sequences and reveal differences in the proteins of healthy people and those who suffer from cancer. At the moment, scientists work with biomarkers in the tears of cancer patients in order to find obvious differences in the combinations of more than 100 proteins present in the tear fluid. There are already five potential biomarkers, which change when an oncological disease occurs.

Wilcox believes that development can appear on the market for 5-10 years. During this time, scientists are going to complete the optimization of their methods and create a test similar to a home pregnancy test, except that you will have to collect tears on a piece of paper.

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