
Is decaffeinated coffee harmful?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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03 June 2012, 12:42

First of all, in connection with the increasing number of cardiovascular diseases in the last decade, a new trend has come into vogue - the use of bezofeyinovogo coffee.

It is believed that none other than caffeine is extremely harmful to the heart, as it helps increase blood pressure. However, a small dose of caffeine does not have any pathological effect on the heart or blood vessels of the circulatory system. But caffeinated coffee, according to many studies, was not so useful. This coffee has a much worse effect on the cardiovascular system than, than traditional coffee with the presence of caffeine. And here for the following reason.

More recently, by testing, it has been proved that with the use of bezkofeyinovogo coffee in the blood at 18-20 percent, the level of free fatty acids is increasing, subsequently from which the so-called bad cholesterol is formed, which promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessels. True, ardent supporters of such coffee believe that the whole point here is the method of making it.

There are two ways to produce coffee without coffee: by means of water and with the help of chemical special compounds - ethyl acetate or methylene chloride solvents. However, water "not dangerous" decaffeination (that is, removal of caffeine) is a very laborious and expensive process. Although with this method, in order to impart a specific rich taste to the resulting caffeinated beverage, special flavors are added, and, moreover, in a rather large amount. So it follows the conclusions you make yourself, what kind of coffee to give preference.

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