
A good character allows a person to live longer

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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29 May 2012, 19:50

Longevity, who managed to overstep the 100-year-old line, - people are cheerful and positive, US specialists said. Another unexpected conclusion is that a good character can partly be caused by genetics.

A good character allows a person to live longer

The study was conducted within the framework of the project "Genes of Longevity" (Longevity Genes Project). The experts examined more than 500 Ashkenazi Jews who crossed the bar of their 95th anniversary, as well as 700 of their descendants.

Nir Barzilai, the head of scientific work from the Institute for the Research of Aging of the Einstein College of Medicine, said: "In the course of the survey, more than 240 long-livers appeared to be distinguished by their excellent character, social activity and positive attitude to life. All of them believe that laughter is an important part of life, and their emotions are not ashamed to express themselves openly. "

According to the test results, people over 97.6 years old have the lowest possible scores on the scale of "neurotic personality", than in other layers of the population. These people also have higher levels of responsibility. Specialists also argue that longevity and character are related.


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