
Passive smoking spoils health for life

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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29 May 2012, 19:37

The risk to the health of children, who were exposed to tobacco smoke in childhood, persists not only in childhood, but also in their future life, regardless of this factor, whether a person subsequently began to smoke or not.

Scientists have used information on 3 thousand 805 Americans who lived in 1 thousand 655 homes, which took part in the Tucson Epidemiological Study of Airway Obstructive Disease, which began in 1972, writes online edition of Kompyulenta. Every 2 years prior to 1996, respondents filled out questionnaires that indicated questions about their state of health.

For today's study, scientists selected information about 371 participants (at the beginning of the observation they were still children) and analyzed the results of whether they had active asthma, wheezing, coughing and chronic cough (last about three months to a series).

According to the information received, the subjects were divided into 4 categories: never having complaints about the symptoms of the aforementioned ailments that had not occurred in childhood, but received at least a din time in adulthood, who had alternating symptoms (once in childhood, at least, never in adulthood), those who had a manifestation of the disease, both in childhood and in subsequent years of life.

As a result, it was found out that about 52.3% of children were simply forced to inhale the "fragrance" of the parent tobacco smoke from the day of their birth to reaching the age of 15 years. After taking into account gender, age, duration of observation and personal addiction to tobacco, it was found that smoking in a passive way in childhood has a direct relationship with several persistent respiratory symptoms, including such as wheezing, coughing and coughing of a chronic type.

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