
10 ways to avoid cancer

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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28 May 2012, 09:44

The life of a modern person passes under the harsh conditions of exposure of many carcinogens, which we can not eliminate. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year the number of people dying from cancer grows like a snowball. The only way to avoid this is to change yourself and your way of life.

Cancer is the reverse side of the technical progress medal. The data of statistical analysis and scientific research indicate that cancer is a scourge of modern civilization.

Scientists Rosalie David (Manchester, UK) and Michael Zimmerman (Pennsylvania, USA), having studied fragments of Egyptian mummies and medical papyri, concluded that the ancient Egyptians seldom suffered from cancer. After studying the remains of thousands of mummies, scientists were able to detect only indirect signs of colorectal cancer in single cases. According to scientists, the incidence of cancer is the fruit of modern civilization.

To leave no chance for cancer cells, use several principles, change yourself and your lifestyle.

  1. Use pure water and natural juices

Natural, spring water is one of the best sources of fluid replenishment in the body. Structured by nature itself, it is endowed with a powerful therapeutic potential. The fluorinated or chlorinated water flowing through the pipes can not be compared with it. Natural fruit or vegetable juice is rich in bioflavonoids and other nutrients, charging us with energy and preventing tumor growth.

  1. More fresh fruits and vegetables.

Needless to say, fruits and vegetables have everything they need to protect us from cancer. Antioxidants and other useful active ingredients of nature's gifts create unfavorable conditions for oxidative stress and cancer growth. For example, cruciferous vegetables containing sulforophane have a powerful anti-cancer potential.

  1. Physical activity

What does not move, then dies. Physical activity is a prerequisite for health and longevity. A study presented by the American Institute for Cancer Research indicates that physical activity corresponds to lower levels of inflammatory markers, for example, C-reactive protein, which is associated with the development of certain cancers.

It is also well known that strong, trained men suffer from cancer less often. Scientists from the University of Carolina (Sweden), as a result of a 20-year follow-up of several thousand normal healthy men, found that men who had higher strengths had a much lower risk of developing cancer than non-training men.

  1. Spend more time in the sun

Vitamin D is becoming more and more known, thanks to new research confirming its anti-cancer properties.

Although this is contrary to some recommendations of dermatologists, but it really makes sense. Vitamin D is becoming more and more known, thanks to new research confirming its anti-cancer properties. Scientists from the University of New York in Albany worked on breast cancer cells with a powerful dose of vitamin D. As a result, cancer cells died within days of exposure to the "solar vitamin".

  1. Breathe in fresh air

Ionized air has a powerful antioxidant effect. The greatest amount of aeroions is contained in the mountain air.
The atmospheric air that we breathe carries electric charges on the molecules. Aeroions charge blood, increase immunity, help to prolong youth. Ionized air has a powerful antioxidant effect.

  1. Control of consciousness

Perfection of consciousness takes an important role in the fight against cancer.

Perfection of consciousness takes an important role in the fight against cancer. Changing the world view, you change the external situation. Practice Qigong or meditation to purify yourself and avoid the negative effects of stress.

During stress our body throws hormones cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream. Long-term or chronic stress exposes our body to the constant action of these hormones. During meditation, significant biochemical changes occur in the body: the cortisol level decreases, on average, by 46%. It is proven that cultivation practices improve health and prolong life.

  1. Refuse bad habits

People who are in the power of bad habits, have launched a program of their own destruction in the body.

We can say that this is an axiom. Drugs, alcohol abuse, smoking - this is the shortest path to physical and spiritual death. People who are at the mercy of these habits have launched a program of their own destruction in the body.

  1. Avoid using a microwave oven

The eating of food, altered by heating in the microwave oven, is associated with the onset of cancer. Water heated in the microwave does not bring life even to plants.

Prepare food traditionally. Many experts suspect that eating food modified by microwave heating is associated with the onset of cancer. As a result of vibrations and friction, molecules and cellular systems are destroyed, structural isomerism occurs. Microwaves negatively affect the genetic information, weaken electrical potentials on cell membranes. Radiolysis products appear on a large scale.

Food with transformed compounds and radiolysis products forces our body to adapt and switch to emergency power supply mode. Cells are forced to rebuild from normal cellular respiration to anaerobic energy production by fermenting glucose. Anaerobic fermentation of glucose contributes to the survival and prosperity of cancer cells.

Cooking in a microwave can cause the formation of d-nitrosodiethanolamine, a known carcinogen. Radiation can also transform some amino acids contained in milk and cereals into carcinogens or biologically inactive isomers. Even a very short time of microwave exposure transforms plant alkaloids into carcinogenic substances and free radicals.

  1. Electromagnetic mud

Long-term action of electromagnetic radiation even of low level (as in mobile phones) can cause various cancers.
The long-term effect of electromagnetic radiation even at a low level (as in mobile phones) can cause various cancers, worsen immunity, contribute to the development of Alzheimer's and dementia, heart disease and many others.

In 1956, in Australia, with the arrival of television, scientists found a rapid increase in cancer in people living near the TV towers. In 1998, researchers from the National Cancer Institute reported that the risk of developing leukemia was significantly higher in children whose mothers used electric blankets during pregnancy, and in children who used hair dryer, video games or were often near the TV.

  1. Avoid chemicals

Our environment is replete with hundreds of thousands of chemical components. We know that among them there are very toxic. But even more frightening is that we do not know. Most of these chemicals have not even been tested for long-term effects on human health.

Avoid foods grown using pesticides, fungicides, herbicides. Beware of toxic food packaging, insect repellents, toxic personal care products (lotions, hand sanitizers, cosmetics), plasticizers like bisphenol-A, hydrocarbons (gasoline, fuel), toxic drugs and pharmaceuticals, glues, dyes, formaldehyde, chemical adjuvants in vaccines and thousands of other chemicals.


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