
Clinical trials of medicines against all diseases have begun

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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17 May 2012, 17:32

A remedy for all diseases is absolutely not a fairy tale. As a result of the latest scientific research, it will be able to get a certain name - Resveratrol. This compound consists of components of red wine, red grapes juice, dark chocolate, tomatoes and peanuts, thus being completely natural.

Preliminary medical tests have shown that Resveratrol is able to prevent diabetes mellitus, radically destroy cancer cells, prevent cardiovascular diseases and degenerative diseases of the brain. Thus, in the list of diseases with which this compound is able to fight, all the most global killers of our time and the most common diseases appear, with the exception of infectious and viral diseases (with which, Resveratrol is also able to fight, although not directly - by strengthening the human immune system. )

Despite encouraging prospects, to date there is not a single sufficient in-depth study that scientifically argues for the practical benefits of Resveratrol. Meanwhile, last week just two dozen of the largest medical academic institutions in the US announced the recruitment of volunteers for control groups in order to test resveratrol in practice. The new study will mainly focus on the analysis of the effects of resveratrol on the course of degenerative diseases of the brain, namely Alzheimer's disease. However, in parallel, scientists will draw conclusions about the overall benefit of the drug for the body in terms of treatment of certain diseases.

"Studies on animals, in particular mice, have given us good results, but it is not yet known how much they will look like the results of using the product in humans. In the course of the study, we will also assess the extent to which Resveratrol raises insulin levels and stabilizes blood glucose levels, as they are key points in the fight against diabetes mellitus. At the same time, people with diabetes in this study will not be included, "said Dr. Scott Turner, one of the authors of the study from the Georgetown Institute in the United States

trusted-source[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]

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