
Using gluten-free cosmetics is becoming trendy

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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11 September 2014, 09:00

Many people try not to eat foods that contain gluten protein (rye, wheat, malt). Experts have proved that this protein is capable of provoking allergic reactions and various digestive disorders. Recently, the production of gluten-free products has increased significantly and according to some data, cosmetic products will also add to this list.

Some experts note that cosmetics containing gluten can be dangerous, however, this statement raises some doubts in other experts. There is evidence that cosmetics containing gluten when ingested or penetrating the skin can cause side reactions, but discomfort can also occur with the use of gluten-free cosmetic products.

But still experts warn that cosmetics can be dangerous to health, which gets into the body from the hands or lips, so with extreme caution, you need to use lipsticks, lip balms, toothpastes, mouthwashes, face lotions, as part of which is gluten.

Also, recent studies by Kansa experts have shown that gluten-free products can be dangerous. In such products, scientists discovered an ingredient that provokes allergies. Scientists noted that lupine (a plant from the legume family), which is often used as a substitute for wheat, is not as safe as previously thought. Lupine gained wide popularity due to the large content of proteins and fiber, which contributes to the reduction of cholesterol in the body, in addition, the lupine contains a low level of fat. But people with a tendency to allergy to soy and peanuts should be cautious about using gluten-free products. Lupine contains the same protein that provokes an allergy to peanuts and soybeans, so at the first signs of allergy specialists recommend immediately to seek help.

Recently, the gluten-free diet has become increasingly popular among people who seek to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, experts note that such a diet is suitable only for patients with glutein enteropathy (a digestive disorder in which villi in the small intestine are damaged by certain proteins).

It is generally believed that the use of gluten-free products helps to get rid of excess weight, rashes on the skin, bloating, headaches, etc. If everyone will eat only gluten-free foods, then the disease will simply not be possible to identify. If glutamine enteropathy is not cured in a timely manner, it can lead to the development of other diseases - the thyroid gland, arthritis, cancer of the intestine. People who do not have health problems are not advised to consciously give up a number of foods and fresh food. In addition, most of the gluten-free products lack mineral substances and vitamins, in addition, they are very high in calories because of the sugar and fat content.

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