
Tuberculosis remains the main danger

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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04 November 2016, 09:00

WHO is concerned that the actions taken to eliminate the tuberculosis epidemic are not as effective as they should have been. According to new data, governments should improve preventive measures, methods of detection and treatment of the disease. The global goals include reducing tuberculosis mortality by 90%, reducing new infections by 80%. According to Margaret Chan, the Director-General of WHO, the spread of the infectious disease continues to outstrip the actions taken by the countries and to improve the situation requires the strengthened and coordinated work of all countries.

Experts noted that one of the problems is inequality between countries, when the level of patients' access to diagnosis and treatment is significantly different.

Efforts to combat tuberculosis have helped to save more than 3 million lives in 2015, but epidemiological surveillance data indicate a rapid spread of the disease.

Over the past year, more than 10 million people have been infected in the world, more than half of the new cases were in Pakistan, India, South Africa, Indonesia India, China, about 2 million people died. Since 2000, the death rate from tuberculosis has decreased by 22%, but still the disease continues to occupy a leading position for the main causes of death, in addition, more people died from infection than from HIV or malaria.

The main problem is still diagnosis - untimely detection of patients leads to the spread of infection. It is also noted that the form of drug-resistant tuberculosis threatens the entire public health system. Basically, this form is found in India, Russia, China. Diagnostic problems prevent the adoption of appropriate measures for drug-resistant tuberculosis, in the last year only 5 patients with this form received the necessary treatment.

Also worth noting rates of healing - on a global scale, they are not much higher than 50%.

In the WHO noted that to save humanity from the epidemic to use rapid tests, new drugs. Investments and actions are not enough for today and people are beginning to realize what the resistance to antimicrobials leads to.

Over the past year, not all in need have been able to access treatment and preventive interventions. All this is caused by a lack of funds to fight the epidemic of tuberculosis. In the United States, in order to allocate the necessary amount, it is necessary to increase the income by 2 billion, otherwise in 3-4 years the situation may worsen. Also, to conduct research to work on new drugs, diagnostic methods, preventive vaccines, an additional $ 1 billion is required each year, but resources for all the planned activities are not enough.

WHO reminded countries that it is important to ensure the maximum coverage of health services, to increase public health financing, especially in countries where there are high rates of infection and death from tuberculosis.

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