
Summer heat: how to quench your thirst?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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04 August 2017, 09:00

What is better to drink in the summer? Most doctors unanimously assure: water, up to 2-3 liters per day. However, not everyone can drink this amount of ordinary water. What can replace the water in summer heat?

Experts offer a number of drinks that will help prevent dehydration and improve well-being. Among them - berry and fruit fruit drinks, herbal teas, as well as the famous ayran.

The recommendations are based on the report of Dr. Victoria Savitskaya.

In the hot season many nutritionists advise to pay attention to ayran, or tan - this is both a drink and a food product at the same time. Ayran is a sour-milk product, the home of which is the Transcaucasus and Central Asia. Ayran perfectly copes, both with a sense of thirst, and with a sense of hunger: it is a nutritious product, rich in many useful components.

Tan (ayran) activates metabolic mechanisms, improves digestive processes, it is rich in proteins, vitamins, microelements. The drink strengthens the heart and blood vessels, contributing to the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the body. By tradition, a lot of fresh greens are added to the tan. It can be dill, basil, coriander, mint, parsley. Such additives will diversify the taste sensations and add to the product of benefit.

Herbal teas in summer are prepared on the basis of fresh plants: during the day, this tea will help cheer, and in the evening - relax. During the summer heat, herbal preparations that include angelica, strawberry leaves, clover flowers, lemongrass, raspberry and mint leaves, ivan tea, lemon balm, cherry leaf are excellent.

If there is unstable weather in the summer with a large temperature difference, then plants such as barberry, dog rose, currant, sea buckthorn, nettle can support the body.

Also do not forget about the traditional green tea for summer - it is drunk, both hot and room temperature - with lemon or honey, preferably without the addition of sugar.

Experts advise in a hot time to give preference to natural berry or fruit fruit drinks, - again, without the addition of sugar. For example, a good effect is seen from the consumption of currant or cranberry mors. Before eating it is important to pay attention to contraindications: acidic fruit drinks are not recommended for use in acute inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, as well as with increased acidity.

Many young people are interested in: how do doctors treat mass consumption of beer as a summer drink? In this matter, experts unequivocally agree: beer is absolutely not recommended for getting rid of thirst. This drink has a diuretic effect, after it you want to drink even more. In addition, any portions of alcohol (including beer) during the hottest time are most dangerous, since they overload the heart and blood vessels.

And one more important question: what temperature should be beverages in the summer? Doctors say: drinks with ice are capable of provoking reflex spasm of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is preferable to quench your thirst with a liquid of room temperature.

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