
Scientists have developed sweets that prevent tooth decay

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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23 December 2013, 09:13

A team of specialists from the German company Organobalance GmbH developed an unusual kind of sweets that helps to prevent caries. Such sweets in the composition do not have sugar, but contain dead microorganisms that join harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, helps reduce the risk of caries and improve the condition of the oral cavity as a whole.

Scientists have long proven that in the oral cavity after eating, the pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity becomes active: harmful microorganisms are fixed on the teeth and produce an acid destroying the enamel of the tooth, for this reason it is recommended to rinse the mouth after eating. The most common harmful oral bacterium is Mutans streptococci. Reduces the destructive effect of pathogenic microflora on the tooth enamel bacterium Lactobacillus paracasei, it significantly reduces the content in the oral cavity of pathogenic bacteria. Interacting with a harmful bacterium, Lactobacillus paracasei prevents the reattachment of Mutans streptococci on the tooth surface, as a result, the bacteria are washed away with saliva and do not destroy tooth enamel.

Candies that contain samples of dead bacteria Lactobacillus paracasei DSMZ16671, were tested on 60 voluntary participants. All comers were divided into 3 groups. In the first group, participants received a new kind of candy with the content of one milligram Lactobacillus paracasei, the second group - with a content of two milligrams. The third group was a control group, the participants of which received a placebo (empty sweets). Each participant in the experiment had to eat five sweets for a day and a half. At the same time, it was strictly forbidden to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, drink coffee, wine, probiotics. After the end of the experiment, the researchers conducted a survey of participants and found about 75% of those who consumed a new kind of sweets, a significant increase in the level of pathogenic bacteria in the saliva. The control group did not show such results. At the same time, in the group that consumed sweets containing two milligrams of Lactobacillus paracasei, the level of pathogenic flora was reduced only after a small piece of candy.

It is worth noting that Lactobacillus paracasei interacted only with pathogenic bacteria, absolutely without effecting any beneficial microorganisms in the oral cavity. A new kind of sweets also stimulates salivation, which also contributes to healthy oral cavity.

The oral cavity contains both beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms. Brushing your teeth twice a day (usually in the morning and in the evening) helps to eliminate pathogenic microflora, while allowing useful bacteria to perform their functions. Developed sweets without sugar with the content of dead bacteria interacting with pathogenic microflora, significantly improve the health of teeth and oral cavity in general. Dental health plays an important role for the health of the whole organism. First of all, a bad condition of the teeth can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and various inflammatory diseases.

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