
Roche suspected of hiding data on adverse drug reactions

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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23 June 2012, 22:05

Pharmaceutical company Roche was suspected of concealing data on adverse reactions to the use of the products produced by the company, according to Agence France-Presse with reference to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Roche was suspected of concealing data on adverse drug reactions

Deficiencies in the activities of the pharmaceutical company were identified during a check conducted by experts of the British Agency for the Supervision of Drugs and Medical Supplies (MHRA). Experts found about 80,000 reports on the use of various drugs Roche in the US, the earliest of which are dated 1997. Among these reports were information about the death of more than 15 thousand people.

However, as found out by the inspectors, the company did not properly process the incoming information. In particular, Roche employees did not investigate the causes of death of Americans who took the drugs produced by the company. They did not inquire whether patients died as a result of adverse drug reactions, or they died as a result of existing diseases. In addition, representatives of Roche did not disclose the information received to the supervisory authorities.

The company acknowledged the shortcomings of its employees, noting that mistakes were made unintentionally. In a published statement, Roche expressed its intention to present the results of an analysis of previously missed reports by January 2013.

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