
Researchers develop microneedle patch for early detection of skin cancer

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 14.06.2024

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30 May 2024, 10:11

Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet have developed a new method for detecting malignant melanoma. A new type of patch equipped with microneedles is able to identify the biomarker tyrosinase directly in the skin, according to a study published in Advanced Materials.

The patch is equipped with microneedles that can detect tyrosinase, an enzyme that is an important biomarker for malignant melanoma. By measuring levels of this enzyme directly in the skin, researchers can quickly identify changes associated with the disease.

“We used human tissue from healthy people. By applying tyrosinase directly to the skin, we were able to mimic skin cancer,” explains the last author of the study, Onur Parlak, Associate Professor at the Department of Solna Medicine at Karolinska Institutet.

“This is an important step forward in improving skin health monitoring, and the method can also be used to screen for other biomarkers by simply changing the design.”

Schematic illustration of epidermal microneedle sensor patch with smart probe. A demonstration of skin melanosis on the back of a patient is presented. Source: Advanced Materials (2024). DOI: 10.1002/adma.202403758

Malignant melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and the fastest growing cancer. The study shows that the new patch could provide an alternative to current diagnostic methods, leading to earlier detection and treatment of malignant melanoma. The researchers hope that their work will help reduce the number of procedures and improve the quality of life of patients.

“Our method is less invasive and has the potential to provide faster and more reliable results compared to traditional biopsies,” says Parlak. “Our goal is to continue to develop and improve this technique to offer a more accurate and painless diagnosis.”

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