
The research project promises to billionaires immortality

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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20 July 2012, 13:45

You can not buy health for money, but you can soon get eternal life. The Russian research project promises to billionaires the transplantation of their brains into the bodies of robots.

Russian media manager Dmitry Itskov heads the research project "Avatar 2045", which has already come into contact with some of the richest people in the Forbes rating. Billionaires are encouraged to fund research that could lead to human immortality in the future. However, it will not be available to every person, but only to those who can pay for it generously.

The research project promises to billionaires immortality

The 31-year-old Itskov hired 30 scientists who are deciding the task of transplanting the human brain into the robot's body. It is expected that the first such operation can be carried out in 10 years. Moreover, Itskov himself is absolutely convinced that this is quite an achievable task, he is ready to begin a scientific discussion with any skeptics. And Dmitry does not see any ethical problems in his actions either.

"You have the opportunity to finance the continuation of your life for as long as you want, even to immortality," the head of the Avatar writes in his appeals to billionaires. "Our civilization has come very close to creating such technologies." It's no longer science fiction. So that the goal was achieved in the foreseeable future, during your life. "

"Avatar" this summer is going to open an office in San Francisco. A social project will be launched, which will connect scientists around the world. The group "2045" is working on the creation of an international research center in which leading scientists would work together to develop the field of anthropomorphic robotics. Their goal is to achieve the possibility of transplanting the human brain into an artificial carrier, which will provide a chance for cybernetic immortality.

True, not only the human body grows old and disintegrates with time - the same process, alas, is inevitable for the brain, where it would not be transplanted. So in this connection, the idea of immortality seems as unrealizable as the creation of a perpetual motion machine.

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