
From next year, the composition of baby powder will be changed

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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01 June 2023, 09:00

Johnson & Johnson, an American company with a worldwide reputation - a manufacturer of sanitary and cosmetic products and medical equipment - has blocked sales of talcum powder for children from 2020. Representatives said that from next year sales will resume, but instead of talcum powder in the product will be cornstarch. This is reported by The New York Times.

Previously, more than forty thousand lawsuits were sent to the company, including those initiated by patients with ovarian oncology and mesothelioma. The accusations were that the composition of baby powder, namely talcum powder, allegedly contained a known carcinogenic component - asbestos. As a result, the company recalled most of its products and made changes to a number of components of the product.

Subsequently, the representatives stated that the use of corn starch instead of talc was a planned decision of the development department, in line with consistent product development. With regard to talc, an independent expert analysis was initiated and conducted, which confirmed the safety of the company's previously sold baby powder and the absence of carcinogenic components in it.

It is noteworthy that Johnson & Johnson has previously produced and supplied to the world market products containing corn starch to minimize the presence of other non-harmful substances. Experts note that this is a good and affordable solution: starch is not costly, it is always available and it does not have any toxicity.

For information: powder is a finely ground powder that helps to dry the baby's delicate skin, helps to eliminate excess moisture and prevent chafing and irritation. To achieve the desired effect, the product must contain an absorbent - that is, a component that absorbs moisture. In this situation, such an absorbent agent will be cornstarch. In combination with him "work" plant extracts, bactericidal and flavoring additives. Quality baby powder should simultaneously absorb moisture well and at the same time do not clog pores, allowing the skin to "breathe". A quality product reduces friction elements of clothing and diapers on the delicate baby skin, soothes and heals irritated and reddened areas or micro-damage. The composition of the powder must necessarily be hypoallergenic, suitable even for particularly sensitive babies. The more natural components present in the composition of the product, the better will be the reaction of the child, the faster the healing will occur. It is important that the powder is free of substances such as silicones, parabens, paraffin.

Details can be found at the source at link

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