
Every 1 minute 20 seconds from the consequences of smoking, one Ukrainian dies

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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25 May 2012, 01:06

According to statistics, every 1 minute and 20 seconds from the consequences of smoking, one Ukrainian dies. In the structure of the causes of mortality of the population of Ukraine from malignant neoplasms, the first place is occupied by cancer of the respiratory system. In 90% of cases, the cause of lung cancer is smoking.

Passive smoking also has a powerful lethal force - the smoke emitted by the cigarette between puffs, four times carcinogenic inhaled! Together with health the smoker loses and huge money.

Smoking should become unfashionable. Black day for smokers

A tobacco-free day, established in 1988 by WHO, is celebrated on 31 May. Its goal is to attract public attention to the problem of tobacco smoking, from the harmful effects of which now one in ten adults in the world are dying. This year, emphasis is placed on the fight against smoking in public places. Many joined in the call, and some even promise to hold flashmobs and unexpected attacks directed against a man seen on the street, in a hospital, a cafe, a bar and other public places with a cigarette in his mouth. So be on your guard, and even better - not to feel uncomfortable, and really, stop smoking without delay.

10 ways to quit smoking

By the way, as a compromise, fighters with smoking are offered not to completely ban smoking in cafes and restaurants, but to equip them with separate rooms for smokers and refuse from adjacent rooms, as is customary now, where the division of "for smokers" and "non-smoking" is very conditional .

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