
Energy drinks with alcohol kill on the spot

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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20 August 2012, 17:00

Young people who mix alcohol with energy drinks risk running a heart palpitations and sleep disturbances.

Energy drinks with alcohol kill on the spot

The study showed that beverages with a high caffeine content, popularly called energy, contribute to the development of a number of health problems. And those who use such energy with alcohol are six times more likely to suffer heart palpitations, compared with those who drink separately. They are also four times more prone to such manifestations as tremor, irritability and sharp bursts of energy, followed by a complete collapse of it.

Symptoms are similar to those that cause large doses of caffeine, which is contained in energy. On average, one small jar of the drink contains as much caffeine as the can of cola. Experts from the University of Tasmania argue that in order to avoid side effects, alcohol and energy drinks are best consumed separately, as there will be an aggravation of all these effects. The study, which involved 403 men and women aged 18-35 years, proved that fans of power engineers are less risky.

Fans of such a wild mix as alcohol and energy have more chances to encounter such side effects as increased speech speed, irritability, overexcitation. This is due to excessive stimulation of the body. And, although fans only power engineers and are not capable of such actions as the creation of emergency situations on the road, fights, etc., still very much risk their health, leading the body to extremes and leading to heart disease and the development of some unpleasant conditions.

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