
Dairy products in the diet: to be or not to be?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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30 December 2018, 09:00

Many people who care about their health, try to reduce the amount of animal fats in the diet due to the abandonment of dairy products. After all, it is known that such fats have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. Scientists from Poland warned: the benefits of consuming kefir, yogurt or cheese are much greater than the perceived or probable harm.

Experts have shown that those patients who regularly include hard cheeses or fermented milk products in their diets are less likely to have strokes and cardiovascular complications. The only exception may be fresh milk: this product has long been associated with an increased risk of developing coronary diseases.

Dr. Maciej Banash, representing the Medical University in одód, analyzed the information obtained during American opinion polls. The speech of the doctor at the conference during the European Cardiology Community meeting in Munich came as a surprise to many.

The professor pointed out some contradictions in the results of scientific works.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - for example, heart attacks and strokes - are caused by damage to the vital vessels. Even with the emergence of new effective medical techniques, such as thromboextraction or thrombolysis, the degree of mortality after a stroke continues to be extremely high. In the United States, stroke is said to be one of the underlying causes of death.

For a long time, doctors believed that a large amount of saturated fats from dairy products increased the risk of premature death - for example, from a stroke or oncology. However, today, scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that the complete exclusion of dairy products is wrong and does not have a clear evidence base. Evaluation of information obtained in the course of three dozen surveys of adult Americans, only confirmed: the products obtained from cow's milk, are not so harmful.

About twenty years ago, the American Center for the Control and Prevention of Pathologies conducted a large-scale study, known as NHANES. For ten years, medical specialists have assessed the state of health, diet and lifestyle of almost 25 thousand volunteers, tracking any probable hazards. Analysis of the information received was carried out by Polish scientists. They were able to establish that the intake of any dairy products helps to reduce the percentage of mortality from any cause by 2%. And lovers of regular meals of hard cheese lived 8% longer than other participants.

Next, the researchers reviewed the course of another twelve experiments, analyzed information on more than 600 thousand patients from different parts of the world. Based on the results, scientists have made an interesting conclusion: the benefits of milk products are really significant, which cannot be said, perhaps, of fresh whole milk. Drinking clean milk can increase mortality by 4%. But from natural yoghurts, cheeses, cottage cheese is still not worth it.

Information published on page https://medbe.ru/news/pitanie-i-diety/ne-ogranichivayte-molochnye-produkty/

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