
Broccoli can become a kind of panacea for cancer

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 13.03.2024

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21 August 2012, 19:21

Scientists involved in the search for new effective ways to fight cancer, made a sensational statement. It turns out that broccoli can become a kind of panacea for this disease, since the use of this product can increase the protective enzymes in the breast tissue.

Scientists used the molecule sulforaphane, which is prescribed to patients from the first day of diagnosis of this terrible disease.

Sulforaphane is produced by the body when glucorafanine is used, the compound contained in broccoli. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, have long been associated with a reduction in the risk of various diseases: from arthritis to cancer, but the mechanism of action is still unclear. Researchers at the Institute for Food Research (SSP) believe that sulforaphane can increase the ability to cope with cancer. It is this substance that helps maintain a healthy balance of antioxidants in the body to combat the effects of the negative effects of food, environmental and other carcinogens.

For an effective result, you need to eat broccoli three to four times a week. This will help slow the growth of cancer cells and increase the level of protective enzymes in the breast tissue. As a result of the study, it also became known that with the use of broccoli, it is possible to stop the development of cancer of stem cells resistant to chemo- and radiotherapy.

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