
Babies (1-3 years) - Top 100

You are not happy with the fact that your child is sucking a finger, although he is already 5 years old? And you have been thinking about how to disable a child from sucking a finger? Of course, this habit is sometimes useful as an act of self-determination, it has remained since the moment the child was in the mother's belly. But when a child sucks a finger 5-6 years, it can become an object of pity and ridicule.
How to teach a child to a pot - this question is asked by many parents. And do not always know how to correctly answer it. Meanwhile, for each child the accustoming to the pot is strictly individual and by age, and by mood, and by development.
Every parents want their child to learn to understand, speak, analyze, was fully developed, and was simply adapted to the surrounding conditions. Now there are many methods of early development of children, both similar and completely unique.


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