
Pregnancy - Top 100

Smoking or second-hand smoke, the use of alcohol, drugs, including "not forbidden," in particular medicinal plants, can affect the health of a pregnant woman and her child. Excluding them, the man will protect his wife and child ...
In the process of developing a pregnancy, a man will find plenty of opportunities to show his wife that he cares about her and about the child. She needs his support. It is quite difficult to go through pregnancy, not having someone close, who is ready to support ...
A man is worried about his thoughts on whether he will be able to provide for his family well? Financial preparation for the birth of a child and the subsequent life is a very difficult task ...
Spouses may be happy that they need to prepare for the birth of a child. Quite soon the waiting will end, and they will start a new family life ...
A man hardly wants to be present at birth. Spouses most likely want to be ready for the birth of the child and for subsequent changes in order to know what to expect. Preparation will help to cope with the situation most effectively ...
Perhaps, right after the birth of a child, a man is somewhat unsure of what it means and what his father's role will mean. Most likely, while the spouse cares about the child, the man does not know what he can and should do.
Planning the sex of the child is an interesting and fascinating activity. True. It does not always give accurate results. But for many fathers (less often - moms) it is vital that they have a boy or a girl. Although, if it turns out on the contrary, they love their daughter no less than they would have loved a son. So, several methods of planning the sex of the child to choose from.
It is rare for a woman to have the good fortune to learn about her pregnancy in the first days of her offensive. As a rule, the manifestation of signs of pregnancy begins 2-5 weeks after fertilization. And as soon as it became known that the "miracle happened", women begin to consider pregnancy for weeks, days, hours, minutes.
Alcohol and banned substances are toxic to the placenta and developing fetus and can cause congenital syndromes, as well as withdrawal symptoms.
There are days when the female body, in the literal sense, begins to behave defiantly. For some reason, you want to eat herring and, of course, with jam, or suddenly, "pull" on a salted cucumber. And women, experienced life experience, and girls who have no idea about the vicissitudes of fate, know that the shortest period of pregnancy can cause great changes in the female body. Sex and a small gestation period


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